Here comes 2012 and rolling in with it will be a tsunami of New Year's resolutions. My New Year resolutions are always the same classics—losing weight, getting fit, studying harder and being kinder, saving more etc. I hardly achieved any of them because they lasted only for the first one or two months. "Hangat-hangat tahi ayam". Hehe. It's a shame I'm still working on my 2011's resolutions when it's time to bid goodbye already. :D
Almost everyone make promises to improve themselves at the beginning of each New Year. It has become quite a part of our New Year celebrations and 2012 is not going to be an exception, defo! The beginning of every year brings in new hope and enthusiasm. I'm looking forward to a new beginning and hoping for things to improve from this year. It's indisputable we like to forget about our pasts and its daunting memories and wish for a new start. Hence, New Year is always celebrated with pomp and joy by every race around the world. :)
#2011 has been the best year for me, I would say. I achieved almost all my dreams and good things came my way. All praises to my dearest God and family! However, New Year brings in new promises. Hence, it can’t hurt to plan ahead for my New Year 's resolutions which will help make me a better person in 2012 and years to come!
I'm gonna turn 25 in 2012! The number is getting bigger and so are my responsibilities in life. Thus, this year I decided on some real serious resolutions. Seriously serious? :)
* I will focus more on giving than taking.
* I will not crib about things, would rather remain content for what has life given to me.
* I will stand by my loved ones, come what may. It is not a resolution but a vow.
* I will get more organized - work planning, punctuality
* I will enjoy life to the fullest.
* I will learn something exciting/ new
* I will help others (students) achieve their dreams
* I will tame the bulges on my body. (Fitness all the way lah)
Welcome 2012! Please be extremely great and memorable. Dear God, please don't ever let go my hand. Happy New Year!
Almost everyone make promises to improve themselves at the beginning of each New Year. It has become quite a part of our New Year celebrations and 2012 is not going to be an exception, defo! The beginning of every year brings in new hope and enthusiasm. I'm looking forward to a new beginning and hoping for things to improve from this year. It's indisputable we like to forget about our pasts and its daunting memories and wish for a new start. Hence, New Year is always celebrated with pomp and joy by every race around the world. :)
#2011 has been the best year for me, I would say. I achieved almost all my dreams and good things came my way. All praises to my dearest God and family! However, New Year brings in new promises. Hence, it can’t hurt to plan ahead for my New Year 's resolutions which will help make me a better person in 2012 and years to come!
I'm gonna turn 25 in 2012! The number is getting bigger and so are my responsibilities in life. Thus, this year I decided on some real serious resolutions. Seriously serious? :)
* I will focus more on giving than taking.
* I will not crib about things, would rather remain content for what has life given to me.
* I will stand by my loved ones, come what may. It is not a resolution but a vow.
* I will get more organized - work planning, punctuality
* I will enjoy life to the fullest.
* I will learn something exciting/ new
* I will help others (students) achieve their dreams
* I will tame the bulges on my body. (Fitness all the way lah)
Welcome 2012! Please be extremely great and memorable. Dear God, please don't ever let go my hand. Happy New Year!