Today, I have been receiving different information about the registration at Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia, Kampus Pulau Pinang (new name). All of the sudden, I feel so really excited to go back to Penang! *smirks* I actually miss Penang alot! And, I love our maktab! Yeah, I still call it 'Maktab' though it has been upgraded to 'Institute'. The memories of the first three years spent there still bobs up vividly in my mind. We were immatured back then! Well, I was! ^^
Going back there is exciting coz I miss the recess time and the Wednesday morning assembly! Assembly?! Yes, u read it right! We have a weekly assembly where we do the tai-chi exercize, sing the National Anthem, Penang State Anthem, maktab song and also 'Guru Malaysia'! I was usually very excited to sing the maktab and 'Guru Malaysia' songs! Seriously bersemangat! But, i loathed those assemblies to the core because we had to stand under the hot scorching sun and also do some marching! I was always late to assemblies...never early! I remember there was this one day when me and my three other friends were extremely late for assembly and we were sure enough we would be getting the ticket to HEP - Surat Salah Laku! So, when we saw that the assembly has already started, me made a U-turn to find a hideout till the assembly dismisses! Thinking that we were very smart, we sneaked into the RECSAM building! We sat at the corridor and chatted all the way about our "very smart" act! Too bad, one of our maktab lecturer found us there!! We were like "shit!" She escorted us back to the field and all eyes were on us! My face was red I know and I wish I could just run away from that place! The HEP officer issued all of us the 'Surat Salah Laku' infront of all the students! Oh yeah, we were standing like the "Maktab's Next Top Models" on the stage! LMAO! Not only that, we were reprimanded and given a warning by our coordinator for "spoiling" TEYL's good name! ;O I am so never gonna forget this experience..I still smile sheepishly when I think about it!
I am going to be a good girl when I go back now! :) I will try my best to be early for the assemblies and the 8am classes! I have too, or else, die! Things are gonna be different from UUM. I can no longer bunk any classes without valid proof, can no longer curi-curi wear jeans to lectures (PS, Maktab's lecturers are very observant).... Rules are rules, right? Back in maktab, we were constantly reminded that we are future teachers, the catalyst of the country's development! But, not really in UUM! We rarely behaved like how teachers are supposed to! :P
So, finally, in two weeks time, I will be there! The place where I first stepped in proudly on the 4th July 2005! I love that place, I really do. I believe I am going to have so much to enjoy and cherish during this final year. I feel happier coz I will get to see my coursemates more often in maktab! I love you all TEYLians Cohort 4! Muahx! :)

Penang, await our arrival!!
- can't wait to drive on the Penang bridge -
like this~ bcos there's no like button here. haha :D good luck onwards dear.
thanx dear! :)
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