Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I have recently asked myself many questions with the hope of an unadulterated answer. And when was the last time you questioned your motives in doing anything? I have seen many do things for the sake of doing them, never really understanding why, or what was worth the effort in the first place. But that's not who I want to be. The world is shouting out for us to follow blindly behind a pre-planned pattern, a conformity of sorts, a parade of checks and checkers. And here is the truth - this highly celebrated blindness of the blind, it's not a lifestyle. It's a disease.

However that being said I can't always be who I want to be, or consciously change who I already am, but the more I question myself the more I see the seemingly fine line between the mystery of the perceived self and who I really am.

Someone special once told me "It is easier to die for something, than to live without something". And boy she was right.

Sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in the process of "dying" for something we lose out on living with it. And really, at the end of the day, what's the point.

There are 5 million thought processes at the back of my mind right now screaming into the voids I cannot piece together. And those are the voids I cannot consolidate by human effort.
It's time we ask ourselves questions so painful only our hearts can answer.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Do The Maths, BOYS!


Monday, November 15, 2010


I envy those girls who can look good, no matter what they wear & how they do their hair.
I'm jealous of the fact that they can wake up in the morning & look totally gorgeous. The way they talk & walk. Yeah, why can't I be like that?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sharifah Bazilah ;)

Okayy, I seriously didn't know that this lady has started blogging too until I went and stalk her Facebook hours ago!

See, I miss you tau :D

Nice blog babe. I read your posts! You're naturally a good writer though hyperbole is used extremely in your posts! :)

As I was reading, one of her post really caught my attention.

-The Elephant Side Of Me-

I am just very amazed how this lady could remember all the little details in her life, even things that people told her like six years ago!

And, I was super touched when I saw this -

Mcm mna sni? Ok tk? Rndu rumah? (when we first arrived here. She said as if she’d been here 4 ten years..haha)
I’m always going to be there 4 u darling
Jom pergi Old Town
Thankx 4 being my hardworking partner
(4 the endlessly hugging my waist-so sweet… oh, and touching my boobs- is that necessary?)
(she took my picture with Abg Didi. Thanx 4 the help..hehe)

And, ohh, its like one of the longest there! I feel special, babe!
Love you so much, bestie! ;)



Yes, I laugh ALOT.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Feel it.

"As we eye
The blue horizon's bend
Earth and sky
Appear to meet and end
But it's merely an illusion
Like your heart and mine
There is no sweet conclusion

I can see
No matter how near you'll be
You'll never belong to me
But I can dream

Can't I

Can't I pretend
That I'm locked in the bend
Of your embrace
For dreams
Are just like wine,
And I am drunk
With mine

I'm aware
My heart is a sad affair
There's much disillusion there
But I can dream
Can't I

Can't I adore you
Although we are oceans apart
I can't make you open your heart
But I can dream
Can't I

Can't I pretend
That I'm locked in the bend
Of your embrace
For dreams
Are just like wine,
And I am drunk
With mine"

The Carpenters.

Monday, November 1, 2010


AGA 9296 - this is how its supposed to look like but.....

Can you see the maize? That's maize imported from Argentina which just arrived at Port Klang.

hancur :(

terjunam into gaung

November started with news about floods brought by overnight rain that have even caused the evacuation on many people in Northern Malaysia. Water, water, everywhere!

Well, something bad happened last night. It was raining cats and dogs about 2am. Everyone was asleep and I was peacefully studying storytelling while sipping hot chocolate. Dad switched off his handphones cause he was having terrible headache and the alert messages from the GPS system were really bothering him.

** Oh ya, my dad is a businessman who owns a few lorry transport companies. The lorries transport goods for companies which we have signed contract with, one of them, Port Klang Sdn. Bhd. Each and every lorry is fixed with a GPS system and dad gets alert messages on his handphones.

Suddenly, my house phone rang. I was astounded for a second cause its really awkward for the phone to ring at such hour. I was already feeling nervous, and my heart stopped when the man on the phone said "Saya dari PLUS. Lorry company awak terbalik dan terjunam ke gaung kat highway Tjg Malim." I was dumbfounded. That lorry is one of my dad's latest addition and one of the most expensive ones! I ran up the stairs, my heart was beating fast. I was scared, it was dark outside, and it was raining followed the thunder and lightning.

My parents were shocked too. They remained silent for a while. I felt sorry for them. What a catastrophe! A few months back, two of our lorries were stolen (at different times). Both were loaded with expensive, imported goods. One lorry was found back a few weeks later but without the goods. One was never seen again. Our company suffered great loss, very great loss. Since then, we fixed GPS in our lorries to detect the whereabouts.

And now, another mishap. But thank God, the driver was safe. The lorry which was on the way back from Port Klang to Perak was loaded with maize imported from Argentina, which is really expensive. It was raining heavily and the driver, Pak Cik Zabidin lost control of the lorry. :(

Dear daddy, I am gonna study really hard and make you proud one day. I can't see you being stressed anymore. I love you.
And yeah, I don't need a Vios now. I will wait.